Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It's up!

I have been planning on making a website for a while now and I finally got my lazy butt off the couch and - sat back down and spent a couple of hours configuring my website

Here's the link

(Work in Progress)

Monday, October 25, 2010

My favourite quote:

'It's funny - I dream a lot, but i'm not a good sleeper.'
-Michel Gondry

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Home Alone (with Mother)

Harro! - To those who still read this silly thing (I don't even bother reading/editing much either though). Shawa is currently in Singapore for a cricket tournament, Papa & Zac took off this morning to see her for 4 days, and we placed (/dropped/deposited/took - ?) (What word would be appropriate here?) Josh in the hospital because he got really ill. Mama's still here but it kind of feels weird without everyone else.

So quiet.............. Toooo quiet............

Yup. Not really sure what to do so I just decided to create this blog post.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Movie Songs

Movie songs - No, I don't mean soundtracks, I mean the kinda songs that makes your imagination play movies/animations/films in your mind. Here are a few of mine.

If I Were You - Hoobastank
Faust Midas and Myself - Switchfoot
Lack Of Colour - Death Cab for Cutie

Flashback Songs?

I think we all have a lot of flashback songs - songs that overwhelm you with vivid memories - whether or whether not you like the song in the first place. Here are a few of mine (none of them very great songs) -

Billionaire - Travis McCoy feat. Bruno Mars
Never Be The Same - Timbaland feat. Katy Perry
Don't You Remember - The Carpenters

Friday, July 30, 2010


I recently discovered that my DIODE Camp is having a reunion on 8th August. I can't wait to goooooooo.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Another Unusual Conversation

Another strange conversation I shared with my older brother the other day. (He was in one of his strange moods)

Josh: What would T-Rex's do if they got itchy?
Me: They probably wouldn't have - they didn't have soft sensitive skin like ours - they had scales.
Josh: Like fish?
Me: No - scales.
Josh: Like fish?
Me: No - hard scales
Josh: Like fish?
Me: NO - hard reptilian scales.
Josh: Like a big lizard?
Me: D:

Seriously, I don't even know why he answered so stupidly if he already knew the answer before he brought the question up. D:
'Google It' is the new '(...because God made it/... because it was made) that way.

Example: Why is the sky blue?

Old Answer = Because God made it that way.
New Answer = Just Google it and go away.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

New Title Image!

I was going through some 80's artwork (which is making a comeback) and found a GD tutorial on an arcade-game-styled title screen, and decided to do it for my blog title as it matched my new blog title.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I was trying to load a video on YouTube when this popped up instead:

500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation

Also, please include the following information in your error report

[Randomly long code here]

Monday, July 12, 2010


As many of you may know (or not know) but I prefer not to stay in the ordinary catagorey in most situations. So, my friends decided to create a new, unique way of greeting eachother.

When many people in my school salute, it looks more like they are akwardly trying to feel their forehead for a fever.

My friends and I noticed this and decided instead of high-fiving, we would salute like this and high-five with the hands that are on our forehead. It painful and cheerful and the same time.

(When I mentioned this to a family member, he/she said "Oh, so that's why your friends are like that")
Random lame joke time:

What did Sheikh Muzaffar do?
Meninggal dunia

Lousy Bloggers - UNITE!

Today we had another of those long, talkative dinners. We were discussing how my sister has quite a few 'oddities' but how she always blogs post on ours. So my eldest brother suggested that we blog about her instead (Muahahahahahhhhcckkk).

We then all (my brothers and I) spontaneously (ooohhh... big word) exclaimed "Blogger Unite!!!!!!" and attempted a three-handed-high-five (It didn't really work. Although they think it did).

Ahhh.... I strangely enjoy our odd spontaneous exclamations. Egad! (I just felt that needed to be said eventhough it was inappropriate for this portion of text) 


I have noticed that my past blog posts have been very heavy and boring. No matter, from now forth, I shall scribble lighter posts. Hurah

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Title Change

For you people (who actually read my blog) who are wondering why I changed my title (I bet some of you missed that), It was because I thought it was more suiting. I'm also planning on adding more junk on the sidebar.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back from Camp

Hello! I came back from camp 3 days ago. For those who don't know, I was gone from 7th June to 12th June at Eagle Ranch, Port Dickson. I was attending a Leadership Camp. It was held by a section of Leaderonomics called DIODE. I was loads of fun and it was totally awesome. If you want more details, ask me in person because if I try to type everything out here, It would take me a week.

Anyway, today, I went to The Gardens with my siblings and grand-mum and I coincidentally ran into two of my facilitators, Marcus and Daigo Xin. It was like a flashback of distant memories (eventhough the camp only happened last week)

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Well!!! It's 9:11 PM and tommorrow I'm going for the DIODE Leadership Camp in Eagle Ranch, PD! (I finally found out why they call it 'Eagle' ranch - They have eagles) I'm bringing my little journel and I will upload all my notes once I get back (on Saturday - 7 days from now). Can't wait. @:D

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


On Sunday, our (me and my siblings) band (called 'Brainstorm')  played for our music school's 4th Anniversary Concert. We played 'Careless Whispers' by George Michael. I don't like the original song, but I liked our arrangement and I like our version of the song. I started off with a few drum rolls while the rest set up their equipment. I played drums, Zach played bass, Josh played guitar with Alessandra on her Alto Saxophone. I really enjoyed performing our song. Also, I met an old friend of mine, Viviek, who I hadn't seen in 4 years. So, It was cool to see him again. That was a cool concert.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Songs currently stuck in my head
  • A Lack of Colour (by Death Cab for Cutie)
  • Summer Skin (by Death Cab for Cutie)
  • Little Boxes (by Death Cab for Cutie)
  • Hotel California (by The Eagles)
  • Wonderful Tonight (by Eric Clapton)
  • Bust a Move (cover by Glee)
  • I Shot the Sheriff (by Bob Marley And The Wailers)
  • Toxic City (by System Of A Down) [the strangest metal song in the world]

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Me and my friend were discussing the other day how our Social Studies classes always lead to another topic.

For example, in my History class, we were learning about agriculture and irrigation and by the end of the class, the teacher was talking about FarmVille (a silly Facebook application)

And in my friends Civic's class, they were learning about inequality and discrimination and - what do you know - they were discussing chess.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

When a Stranger Calls...

*phone rings*

Man One: Hello?
Man Two: This is the police.
Man One: Huh?
Man Two: Doo Doo Doo, Da Da Da
Man One: Wah?
Man Two: ...........
Man One: ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!

*line cuts*

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Have a Dream

I had to do an English project on a famous leader, so I did it on Martin Luther King Jr. So I was searching 'I Have a Dream words' on Google but it was kinda annoying since most of the time it was Westlife lyrics.

"I believe in angels...."

Monday, April 26, 2010

Short Hair

I'm definatly not the type of person who fusses over his looks (I wanted to make that clear before I proceed). But I do miss my long hair, but I guess short hair isn't as horrible as I exaggerate, so I've decided to make a pros and cons list for my short hair (which sounds pretty weird when I think about it)

  • I sweat less
  • I feel cooler (temperature-wise)
  • I don't look like a shaggy dog.
  • I don't get lectures from my teachers (and save time)
  • You can actually see my ears
  • I can see things without hair getting in the way
  • I sweat more
  • I feel warmer
  • I look rocker-ish
  • I get lectures from my teachers (and waste class time)
  • You can't see my ears and ear wax
  • I get the feeling that I am hiding behind my hair
Well... It looks like my pros and cons counter-act each other. But if you ask me, I prefer my long hair.
(Right: Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins from Foo Fighters.........I felt the picture was fitting because of it's mantastic hair)

Hey, where's my hair?

I'm definatly not the type of person who fusses over his looks (I wanted to make that clear before I proceed), In fact (for people who don't know) I have almost zero knowldge on fashion or style.

Two weeks ago, I was commanded and enforced by my school to cut my hair. I went to the indian barber and he gave me a Mandark (from Dexter's Laboratory) hairstyle (pic to the left).

I have to say that people at school think i'm a insane alien. Wonder why? Picture this:

A boy with retainers, a goofy haircut, oversized feet, oversized head and giant clothes (which are hand-me-downs from my older brother)

Not a very cool look. Needless to say, I miss my long hair. *stares into space with a 'longing' look*

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kick Ass!

I've decided to start writing more silly poems. I was wondering what to do when I decided to do it on a showdown of superheroes, or basically guys who can kick serious butt. To start off I have written a list here (in no order) of people I will use in my poem.

  • Chuck Norris (At top)
  • King Leonidas (Gerard Butler in the super gory movie '300'!)
  • Iron Man
  • Indiana Jones (Can escape a giant rolling boulder - and a load of other stuff)
  • Optimus Prime (In all his glory - *HAIL*)
  • Godzilla
  • King Kong
  • Professor Xavier (From the X-MEN)
  • Bruce Lee
  • The Terminator (I'll be bakkkhhh)
  • Darth Vader
  • Spock (*three-finger-alien-hand-sign*)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Diary of a Mindstorm Adventure

The other day, my friend Jian told me to check out his blog and I have to say


He got some seriously cool stuff going on for his project. Check it out

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Highly-Intelligently Trained Ninja Monkeyjets

For those confused about the title, let me explain:

2 years ago, my brother, Josh, and I had sent an e-mail using my sister's e-mail account. We claimed we (The Highly-Intelligently Trained Ninja Monkeyjets) had hacked into her account and rambled on about our new world order. We sent it to about half the people in her contact list and received multiple replies. We were famous (well, not really)

Recently my brother had used his friend's blog password to access his blog, and made a post, claiming that his friend was the second puny victim of ours (The Highly-Intelligently Trained Ninja Monkeyjets).

So (Instead of studying for our exams) we decided to develop this more. I'm going to add a whole blog page dedicated to it.

FaceBook Group

Monday, March 15, 2010

'Another Great Idea Shammed By *Nuh Neh Nuuuh!* - EXAMS!'

Lately, i've been coming up with all these ideas
  • Start a comic strip
  • Create a website to hold my portfolio.etc
  • Decorate my blog
But, ironically, I only get these great ideas when I have - 

(Horror Music) *NUH NEH NUHHHH!!!!!!!!!*


So I don't have any time to actually do them.

I bet some of you are wondering why I'm blogging when I just stated that I don't have time to do stuff. The answer to this is - 

... I don't really know. I guess I just don't like Maths.



Getting Even Bluer-er

This time, it took me 54 days and 4 blog posts to realize my blog's name is " 12" instead of "...a 12". Yet another sign I'm becoming a teenager (ho noes)

Sunday, February 28, 2010


So as I mentioned in the last post, we decided to name our band, The Absolute Pajamas. We spent hours talking about band names, getting some pretty odd ones (like Ryan In Pajamas [R.I.P], Econo Pack, Pending.etc). Absolute Pajamas was actually a last minute choice (like, 1 minute before we performed).

So earlier today, we were all stuffed in the back of the car, acting like 4 year olds...

Alessandra: So... Is your band name going to stay as Absolute Pajamas.
Josh: Nope. We'll keep changing for every performance, but the initials always have to be APJ.
Alessandra: What can you make from 'APJ' lah?

If we don't use that name, heads will roll...

The Absolute Pajamas

Yesterday was awesome.

Yesterday, my uncle (friend's dad) celebrated his 50th birthday with a big party, themed 'Hawaii 5-0'. So, there were cool tropical decorations and stuff, but the funnest part was the performance.

I performed in the band, Absolute Pajamas, which basically consisted my friend (singing/guitar), his sister (singing/piano), my brothers (guitar & bass) and I (drums). The song we performed were:

This Love - Maroon Five, Never Knew Love Like This - Stephanie Mills, Play That Funky Music - Wild Cherry, PDA (We Just Don't Care) - John Legend, Till I See You - Hillsong United and Easy - Commodores  (which we performed with my uncle).

The whole thing was loads of fun and we all practiced pretty hard for it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Duck and Cover!

My sister had recently made a life-sized (3 feet) character out of cardboard for a product launch she did for college.

She was with it in the car today when the tape holding his head to his neck came off, making his head slump.

Me: If it does that in class, make some lame excuse.
Her: Like 'Oh, sorry - he's sleeping'
Me: No... more like if his head falls off, duck and shout 'AHH!!! SNIPERS!!! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!'
Her: *blur expression* ... What's a sniper?

I seriously don't think anybody get my jokes.


In English class, we were on the discussion of limericks. (For those who don't know what they are, click this). I decided to try my had at a simple one...

I once decided to buy,
A yucksy, icksy pie.
  I put it in the oven to warm it,
  I swallow, I gag, and I vomit.
WOOPSIE! - I die.

Fine, I know it's dumb but Art class was boring me (then again, I'm always bored - so expect more of these)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Becoming Blur

Hahaha! It took me 23 days and 2 blog posts after my birthday to realize I needed to change my blog title (From '... 11 Year-Old...' to '...12 Year-Old')

A sign that I'm becoming blur-er (Which is also another sign I'm becoming a teenager)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Im baaaacck (again)

Hello, i'm back and its been approximatly 55 seconds since I last made a post, so here are the dumb sayings (that I learnt from personal experience) I told you about...

You know your sugar intake is too high when Coke starts to taste bland

The only thing school has taught me is how to sleep with my eyes open


I know I keep saying i'll update my blog but I never do but this time, i'm going for 2 posts a month (minumum), even if it's a dumb saying I thought of in 4 seconds. So, I gues you'll see a new blog soon.