Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kick Ass!

I've decided to start writing more silly poems. I was wondering what to do when I decided to do it on a showdown of superheroes, or basically guys who can kick serious butt. To start off I have written a list here (in no order) of people I will use in my poem.

  • Chuck Norris (At top)
  • King Leonidas (Gerard Butler in the super gory movie '300'!)
  • Iron Man
  • Indiana Jones (Can escape a giant rolling boulder - and a load of other stuff)
  • Optimus Prime (In all his glory - *HAIL*)
  • Godzilla
  • King Kong
  • Professor Xavier (From the X-MEN)
  • Bruce Lee
  • The Terminator (I'll be bakkkhhh)
  • Darth Vader
  • Spock (*three-finger-alien-hand-sign*)

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