Monday, April 26, 2010

Short Hair

I'm definatly not the type of person who fusses over his looks (I wanted to make that clear before I proceed). But I do miss my long hair, but I guess short hair isn't as horrible as I exaggerate, so I've decided to make a pros and cons list for my short hair (which sounds pretty weird when I think about it)

  • I sweat less
  • I feel cooler (temperature-wise)
  • I don't look like a shaggy dog.
  • I don't get lectures from my teachers (and save time)
  • You can actually see my ears
  • I can see things without hair getting in the way
  • I sweat more
  • I feel warmer
  • I look rocker-ish
  • I get lectures from my teachers (and waste class time)
  • You can't see my ears and ear wax
  • I get the feeling that I am hiding behind my hair
Well... It looks like my pros and cons counter-act each other. But if you ask me, I prefer my long hair.
(Right: Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins from Foo Fighters.........I felt the picture was fitting because of it's mantastic hair)

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