Friday, December 25, 2009

Terrible Teens...

With my 12th Birthday approaching, the haunting reality of becoming a teenager is nearing painfully quick. One day, my mom asked me why I actually feared being a teenager, and I decided it was because of puberty.

I'm not to sure what puberty is from a 'scientific view', but to me, it means zits (which are cool on the legs, not on the face), mumbling, emotional problems, and hair everywhere (which I think is actually cool, but i'm pretty sure, hard to maintain). Then, I realized what I need to do,

Control puberty.

I have no idea about hormones at other 'scientific' stuffs, but i'm pretty sure I can find out how to somehow (since I have so much awesomeness :-J).

Ill keep this updated with my progress.

Syonara amigos :-U

The Return

Salutations! I haven't blogged in ages but I thought that if I start again, I should do so while wishing you...
Merry Christmas!
I guess a lot has happened... New house, end of exams (YEAHHH!), Paintball party.etc, but I still can't believe that the year is coming to an end. The year went by as quickly as a Veyron on ice. I also can't believe all the things I accomplished (Started my CAD career, moved house, .etc).
Looking at all of these things also makes me think about the next year and what else I will acheive. Unfortunatly, the topic of me being a teenager always comes up...(More about that in the next blog, but for now, Merry Christmas!)

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Turtles, The Leopard and The Desk

Yesterday my grandmom gave us a small brown paperbag and she said that she found it and that it was our's (My siblings and me). I opened it and it was these cool, tiny, ceramic turtles. But not any turtles, they're BOBBLE HEAD TURLES! (BNT). I took a small green one and a fat purple one. I called the smaller green one Micah 'Mike' and I called the other fat one Martin. I put them both in front of something else I found - A plush crab with a leopard skin texture! I called the crab Obadiah. They look cool on my desk.

Friday, August 14, 2009

H1N1 in School

Today is Friday. I didn't go the school since Tuesday. This is because, on Monday, it was announced that 2 kids in our campus had confirmed they had Swine Flu. After that, barely anybody is going to school. The principal is refusing to close down school. Instead, she is removing all our extra-curicular activities. No PE, no Theatre, not even football during the breaks. My parents also said that we didn't have to go to school unless we had a test or something important. So, I haven't been going. Anyway, If there's no extra activities, what's the point of school? Study? No way!

So anyway all I have been doing is a couple of drawing, and CAD work. (And yesterday I had CAD class). I will be updating more drawings and CAD work in later posts. But, TTFN (Ta-Ta For Now - it's kinda like G2G - I think.)

Monday, July 20, 2009

More CAD work

Even more CAD-Blender stuff including my new transformer.
(Above) A Turbo Jet
'Luke' in lazers
A Glass
A Fly-Through Corridor
My Rubik's Cube Transformer

Friday, July 3, 2009

More CAD Stuff

Hallo! It's been ages since I updated my blog. I decided to upload some more of my CAD pics. Enjoy!
Twin Towers

Ice Castle (My definite favourite)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A LukeDaCreator StupidPoems Productions: The Evil Laptop

Extreme and total randomness: The Evil Computer

There once was a little laptop,
Whose owner was a crackpot.

The laptop worked ever so hard,
While his owner cursed it while eating pork and lard.

Then, the laptop decided to turn the tables,
It strangled the owner with it's cables.

The laptop was bloodthirsty, bent on world domination,
He'd making murdering a recreation.

Then, the owner's son hit the off button,
While slipping on the grease of his mutton.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Spiral Staircase
Snow Scene

Hah. I'm finally starting to update my blog again. I wanted to talk about CAD. For those who don't know, CAD stands for Computer Aided Design which the thing that lets people design stuff. So, I started CAD classes roughly 2 months ago. I wanted to post some stuff up so, here it is, above you (For the blur ones like my sister). (I did these in my free time)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pen Name

Today, in school, I found out (not 'learned) what a pen name is. For those who don't know it's:

A name an author writes in his/her works which is not really theirs. A pen name may be used to make the author's name sound cooler, to hide his/her gender etc.
Some famous authors who have pen names are: Mary Pollock (real name Enid Blyton), Boz (Charles Dickens) and Frank W Dixon (A group of authors)

My teacher brought this up because one of the nerds in my class uses a pen-name for all her works. Her pen name is 'Fani". I think it's a rather 'FANI' (FUNNY) name. So since I'm writing a blog, I've decided to make a pen-name but I didn't know what it should be. So, I went for the obvious.

From know on, you shall know me as 'Skywalker'.
May the Force be with you.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Teachers...

My first day of the school year was on Tuesday. I always hate the first day for one reason. New teachers. Why? I'll tell you a story...

I go to an Indian school so some people have some not-so-common-in-other-countries names. Like, Pavitharan or Shukha Deva. But still, nobody gets my name right the first time (Or the second, third, fourth, fifth... ninth time.) So whenever new teachers ask for everyone's name, I dread it.

Teacher: What's your name?
Me: Luke
Teacher: What? Lu-chee?
Teacher: Huh? Luchse?
Me: LUKE! L-U-K-E.
Teacher: Wats that? Luk-e?
Me: (Mumbling) close enough

Faust, Midas and Myself

I made a music video for the song "Faust, Midas and Myself" by Switchfoot. I used Pivot to do the animating and Windows Movie Maker to do the rest. I know it's amateur-ish and lame but, hey, that's me :). To find this video, you can click here or if you dont want to leave the page, you can scroll down and click the picture of the Cross (And watch some of my other ones too)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A couple of pet peeves

Here are some of my pet peeves.
  1. When you bite your tongue/ cheek where it's already swollen
  2. When people look at you, chatter in a foreign language and then burst out laughing.
  3. When you're about to sneeze but it freezes in your nose and gets stuck
  4. When a button on the TV remote doesn't work, so you press it again and it comes in double. Example: When you want 7 but you get 77
  5. When an offer pops up on the computer and you don't want it but it only gives you the options "Yes, order now" and "No, order later"
  6. Socks that have worn out elastic
  7. Teachers who give 'surprise tests' and give homework on the first day of school
  8. When you try to pour ketchup and 'red water' comes out
  9. When the shower is either too hot or too cold
  10. When in the shower and your hands are too slippery from the soap that you can't turn your handles. (I prefer pachydermic shower handles (In the Picture))

Sunday, March 29, 2009


For you people who don't know what a euphemism is, it's making a rude or bad word mild. I find some of them a bit funny. So for absolutly no reason, I'm going to make a list of them

Poop, Shit - Excremante (I think thats the right spelling)

Fat - Over-weighted, fluffy (?), curvy, spilling over the edges.

Old used rubbish cars - Pre-owned vehicles

Toilet Paper - Bathroom Tissue (Used by 'Bathroom Tissue' brands)

War - Police action ( :P )

Torture - Persuasion

Gambling - Good Gaming

One thing to. I have made up my own word. It's "Fartso" (a cross between "Fart" and "Fatso")

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sleep Farting and Funny Songs

My bro who shares a room with me, claims that I fart in my sleep. He was really annoyed and disgusted but I was amazed. I couldn't stop talking about it. I'll write a song (Parody of "Talking in your sleep")

" I hear the methane that you keep.
When you're farting in your sleep
I hear the methane that you keep.
When you're farting in your sleep"

While we're on the topic of funny songs, I love The Beatle's, "I am The Walrus"

"Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation t-shirts, stupid bloody Tuesday.
Man, you've been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.

I am the eggman (woo),
they are the eggmen (woo),
I am the walrus, Koo koo kachoo."


The last day of school is tommorrow (YAY!) so I'm goin to write a poem about the upcoming holidays. Tommorrow I have French so I'm goin to dedicate this post in French.

Je ne suis pas de ce que je vais faire pendant les vacances. Je suis juste heureux im faire avec l'école. Mes frères et moi d'aller au cyber café de cette semaine. J'ai été en attente pour jouer à Counter Strike âges. Je tiens aussi à ma bro ordures dans Need For Speed Most Wanted sur le LAN.

(This probably has thousands of mistakes 'cus I used a phrase translator.)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So I'm 11 and I never want to be a teenager. It's scientifically proven that this is the time your brain gets messed up. Yet, I have one of the grossest things a teenager could have-


But, fortunately, I don't have them on my face. Guess where -


Now this is probably when you go "EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!" (Or if you're anything like me, "SWEEEEEEEEEET!!!"). They occasionally pop up. I think the most of had at once was about 2 or 3. I have a rather large one on my left leg. I think i'll call him Jeremy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


My exams are starting tommorow so i'm trying to cram everything into my brain. I will recite a poem (of my own style) to express my feelings and stuff.

Oh exams, they make me so blue,
What are the answers - I haven't a clue.

All my teeth are now clenched,
For I did not study at all for French.

I absolutely forgot all that was taught,
I was distracted by my teacher's dripping snot.

Instead of paying the price,
A cunning plan, I will devise.

A straight line is all it takes,
To turn all my F's into A's.
After that, everything will be okay!