Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pen Name

Today, in school, I found out (not 'learned) what a pen name is. For those who don't know it's:

A name an author writes in his/her works which is not really theirs. A pen name may be used to make the author's name sound cooler, to hide his/her gender etc.
Some famous authors who have pen names are: Mary Pollock (real name Enid Blyton), Boz (Charles Dickens) and Frank W Dixon (A group of authors)

My teacher brought this up because one of the nerds in my class uses a pen-name for all her works. Her pen name is 'Fani". I think it's a rather 'FANI' (FUNNY) name. So since I'm writing a blog, I've decided to make a pen-name but I didn't know what it should be. So, I went for the obvious.

From know on, you shall know me as 'Skywalker'.
May the Force be with you.

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