Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A couple of pet peeves

Here are some of my pet peeves.
  1. When you bite your tongue/ cheek where it's already swollen
  2. When people look at you, chatter in a foreign language and then burst out laughing.
  3. When you're about to sneeze but it freezes in your nose and gets stuck
  4. When a button on the TV remote doesn't work, so you press it again and it comes in double. Example: When you want 7 but you get 77
  5. When an offer pops up on the computer and you don't want it but it only gives you the options "Yes, order now" and "No, order later"
  6. Socks that have worn out elastic
  7. Teachers who give 'surprise tests' and give homework on the first day of school
  8. When you try to pour ketchup and 'red water' comes out
  9. When the shower is either too hot or too cold
  10. When in the shower and your hands are too slippery from the soap that you can't turn your handles. (I prefer pachydermic shower handles (In the Picture))

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