Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Have a Dream

I had to do an English project on a famous leader, so I did it on Martin Luther King Jr. So I was searching 'I Have a Dream words' on Google but it was kinda annoying since most of the time it was Westlife lyrics.

"I believe in angels...."

Monday, April 26, 2010

Short Hair

I'm definatly not the type of person who fusses over his looks (I wanted to make that clear before I proceed). But I do miss my long hair, but I guess short hair isn't as horrible as I exaggerate, so I've decided to make a pros and cons list for my short hair (which sounds pretty weird when I think about it)

  • I sweat less
  • I feel cooler (temperature-wise)
  • I don't look like a shaggy dog.
  • I don't get lectures from my teachers (and save time)
  • You can actually see my ears
  • I can see things without hair getting in the way
  • I sweat more
  • I feel warmer
  • I look rocker-ish
  • I get lectures from my teachers (and waste class time)
  • You can't see my ears and ear wax
  • I get the feeling that I am hiding behind my hair
Well... It looks like my pros and cons counter-act each other. But if you ask me, I prefer my long hair.
(Right: Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins from Foo Fighters.........I felt the picture was fitting because of it's mantastic hair)

Hey, where's my hair?

I'm definatly not the type of person who fusses over his looks (I wanted to make that clear before I proceed), In fact (for people who don't know) I have almost zero knowldge on fashion or style.

Two weeks ago, I was commanded and enforced by my school to cut my hair. I went to the indian barber and he gave me a Mandark (from Dexter's Laboratory) hairstyle (pic to the left).

I have to say that people at school think i'm a insane alien. Wonder why? Picture this:

A boy with retainers, a goofy haircut, oversized feet, oversized head and giant clothes (which are hand-me-downs from my older brother)

Not a very cool look. Needless to say, I miss my long hair. *stares into space with a 'longing' look*

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kick Ass!

I've decided to start writing more silly poems. I was wondering what to do when I decided to do it on a showdown of superheroes, or basically guys who can kick serious butt. To start off I have written a list here (in no order) of people I will use in my poem.

  • Chuck Norris (At top)
  • King Leonidas (Gerard Butler in the super gory movie '300'!)
  • Iron Man
  • Indiana Jones (Can escape a giant rolling boulder - and a load of other stuff)
  • Optimus Prime (In all his glory - *HAIL*)
  • Godzilla
  • King Kong
  • Professor Xavier (From the X-MEN)
  • Bruce Lee
  • The Terminator (I'll be bakkkhhh)
  • Darth Vader
  • Spock (*three-finger-alien-hand-sign*)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Diary of a Mindstorm Adventure

The other day, my friend Jian told me to check out his blog and I have to say


He got some seriously cool stuff going on for his project. Check it out