Friday, July 30, 2010


I recently discovered that my DIODE Camp is having a reunion on 8th August. I can't wait to goooooooo.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Another Unusual Conversation

Another strange conversation I shared with my older brother the other day. (He was in one of his strange moods)

Josh: What would T-Rex's do if they got itchy?
Me: They probably wouldn't have - they didn't have soft sensitive skin like ours - they had scales.
Josh: Like fish?
Me: No - scales.
Josh: Like fish?
Me: No - hard scales
Josh: Like fish?
Me: NO - hard reptilian scales.
Josh: Like a big lizard?
Me: D:

Seriously, I don't even know why he answered so stupidly if he already knew the answer before he brought the question up. D:
'Google It' is the new '(...because God made it/... because it was made) that way.

Example: Why is the sky blue?

Old Answer = Because God made it that way.
New Answer = Just Google it and go away.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

New Title Image!

I was going through some 80's artwork (which is making a comeback) and found a GD tutorial on an arcade-game-styled title screen, and decided to do it for my blog title as it matched my new blog title.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I was trying to load a video on YouTube when this popped up instead:

500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation

Also, please include the following information in your error report

[Randomly long code here]

Monday, July 12, 2010


As many of you may know (or not know) but I prefer not to stay in the ordinary catagorey in most situations. So, my friends decided to create a new, unique way of greeting eachother.

When many people in my school salute, it looks more like they are akwardly trying to feel their forehead for a fever.

My friends and I noticed this and decided instead of high-fiving, we would salute like this and high-five with the hands that are on our forehead. It painful and cheerful and the same time.

(When I mentioned this to a family member, he/she said "Oh, so that's why your friends are like that")
Random lame joke time:

What did Sheikh Muzaffar do?
Meninggal dunia

Lousy Bloggers - UNITE!

Today we had another of those long, talkative dinners. We were discussing how my sister has quite a few 'oddities' but how she always blogs post on ours. So my eldest brother suggested that we blog about her instead (Muahahahahahhhhcckkk).

We then all (my brothers and I) spontaneously (ooohhh... big word) exclaimed "Blogger Unite!!!!!!" and attempted a three-handed-high-five (It didn't really work. Although they think it did).

Ahhh.... I strangely enjoy our odd spontaneous exclamations. Egad! (I just felt that needed to be said eventhough it was inappropriate for this portion of text) 


I have noticed that my past blog posts have been very heavy and boring. No matter, from now forth, I shall scribble lighter posts. Hurah

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Title Change

For you people (who actually read my blog) who are wondering why I changed my title (I bet some of you missed that), It was because I thought it was more suiting. I'm also planning on adding more junk on the sidebar.