Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Highly-Intelligently Trained Ninja Monkeyjets

For those confused about the title, let me explain:

2 years ago, my brother, Josh, and I had sent an e-mail using my sister's e-mail account. We claimed we (The Highly-Intelligently Trained Ninja Monkeyjets) had hacked into her account and rambled on about our new world order. We sent it to about half the people in her contact list and received multiple replies. We were famous (well, not really)

Recently my brother had used his friend's blog password to access his blog, and made a post, claiming that his friend was the second puny victim of ours (The Highly-Intelligently Trained Ninja Monkeyjets).

So (Instead of studying for our exams) we decided to develop this more. I'm going to add a whole blog page dedicated to it.

FaceBook Group

Monday, March 15, 2010

'Another Great Idea Shammed By *Nuh Neh Nuuuh!* - EXAMS!'

Lately, i've been coming up with all these ideas
  • Start a comic strip
  • Create a website to hold my portfolio.etc
  • Decorate my blog
But, ironically, I only get these great ideas when I have - 

(Horror Music) *NUH NEH NUHHHH!!!!!!!!!*


So I don't have any time to actually do them.

I bet some of you are wondering why I'm blogging when I just stated that I don't have time to do stuff. The answer to this is - 

... I don't really know. I guess I just don't like Maths.



Getting Even Bluer-er

This time, it took me 54 days and 4 blog posts to realize my blog's name is " 12" instead of "...a 12". Yet another sign I'm becoming a teenager (ho noes)