Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Becoming Blur

Hahaha! It took me 23 days and 2 blog posts after my birthday to realize I needed to change my blog title (From '... 11 Year-Old...' to '...12 Year-Old')

A sign that I'm becoming blur-er (Which is also another sign I'm becoming a teenager)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Im baaaacck (again)

Hello, i'm back and its been approximatly 55 seconds since I last made a post, so here are the dumb sayings (that I learnt from personal experience) I told you about...

You know your sugar intake is too high when Coke starts to taste bland

The only thing school has taught me is how to sleep with my eyes open


I know I keep saying i'll update my blog but I never do but this time, i'm going for 2 posts a month (minumum), even if it's a dumb saying I thought of in 4 seconds. So, I gues you'll see a new blog soon.