Friday, December 25, 2009

Terrible Teens...

With my 12th Birthday approaching, the haunting reality of becoming a teenager is nearing painfully quick. One day, my mom asked me why I actually feared being a teenager, and I decided it was because of puberty.

I'm not to sure what puberty is from a 'scientific view', but to me, it means zits (which are cool on the legs, not on the face), mumbling, emotional problems, and hair everywhere (which I think is actually cool, but i'm pretty sure, hard to maintain). Then, I realized what I need to do,

Control puberty.

I have no idea about hormones at other 'scientific' stuffs, but i'm pretty sure I can find out how to somehow (since I have so much awesomeness :-J).

Ill keep this updated with my progress.

Syonara amigos :-U

The Return

Salutations! I haven't blogged in ages but I thought that if I start again, I should do so while wishing you...
Merry Christmas!
I guess a lot has happened... New house, end of exams (YEAHHH!), Paintball party.etc, but I still can't believe that the year is coming to an end. The year went by as quickly as a Veyron on ice. I also can't believe all the things I accomplished (Started my CAD career, moved house, .etc).
Looking at all of these things also makes me think about the next year and what else I will acheive. Unfortunatly, the topic of me being a teenager always comes up...(More about that in the next blog, but for now, Merry Christmas!)