Monday, August 17, 2009

The Turtles, The Leopard and The Desk

Yesterday my grandmom gave us a small brown paperbag and she said that she found it and that it was our's (My siblings and me). I opened it and it was these cool, tiny, ceramic turtles. But not any turtles, they're BOBBLE HEAD TURLES! (BNT). I took a small green one and a fat purple one. I called the smaller green one Micah 'Mike' and I called the other fat one Martin. I put them both in front of something else I found - A plush crab with a leopard skin texture! I called the crab Obadiah. They look cool on my desk.

Friday, August 14, 2009

H1N1 in School

Today is Friday. I didn't go the school since Tuesday. This is because, on Monday, it was announced that 2 kids in our campus had confirmed they had Swine Flu. After that, barely anybody is going to school. The principal is refusing to close down school. Instead, she is removing all our extra-curicular activities. No PE, no Theatre, not even football during the breaks. My parents also said that we didn't have to go to school unless we had a test or something important. So, I haven't been going. Anyway, If there's no extra activities, what's the point of school? Study? No way!

So anyway all I have been doing is a couple of drawing, and CAD work. (And yesterday I had CAD class). I will be updating more drawings and CAD work in later posts. But, TTFN (Ta-Ta For Now - it's kinda like G2G - I think.)